Friday, March 21, 2014

Autism Awareness Month

It's almost April, which means Autism Awareness Month, and we're already in full swing.

We have the Light Up the Biloxi Lighthouse April 2nd for National Autism Awareness Day and the Coast Autism Walk April 5th on Biloxi Town Green, which is only two weeks away! If you still need to pre-register for the walk and/or need to order your walk shirts, do so today! The last day to place your order is March 25th! Send an email to for a registration/order form. 

The shirts look like this ...

Orr-iginals will enter the TEAAM T-shirt contest again, if you'd like to join our family group and get our shirt, you can email me at or purchase the shirt from here...

Also, TEAAM's director, Mark Yeager released a statement about the Light up the Biloxi Lighthouse in regards to the Light it up Blue Campaign by Autism Speaks, that I'd light to share with you so all my followers understand why we're going yellow/green instead of blue...

Biloxi Lighthouse Lit Up Yellow and Green for Autism?

That’s right! Most people in the Autism and Disability communities know that during April, Autism Awareness Month, there is a move to “Lite it Up Blue” for Autism Awareness. TEAAM Autism (Together Enhancing Autism Awareness in Mississippi) has decided to make an additional statement with the first step being to light the Historical Biloxi Lighthouse Yellow and Green for Autism. Why Yellow and Green you might ask? Here’s why!

Yellow, like the color of the sun, was chosen to shine a bright light on moving the conversation forward. Moving from Autism Awareness to Autism Acceptance! Being aware of an issue is important but accepting people for who they are is more supportive. You can be aware without getting involved. Acceptance means you are willing to be a part of the solutions. In other words, involved! Even though TEAAM wants others to be aware of the issues surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders, we want people to be involved in solutions for our Autistic friends. Accepting people for whom they are and how you can personally play a role in supporting them not only moves the conversation forward but moves people forward as well. Though acceptance and support, we all can benefit.

Green, like new life and growth in the spring, was chosen to give life to the emerging conversation of Neuro-Diversity. We, as people concerned about others, have given a lot of attention to the issues of diversity over the past decades. It is now time to include in that discussion the challenges people who are neuro-diverse face. Their rights should not and cannot be ignored. Autistic people are blessed with a unique view and perspective of others and the world in which we live. We can all learn from each other’s perspectives. That’s what diversity is all about!

As a point of interest you will notice that I have not used people first language in this content. I am not being disrespectful. Quite the opposite! As a matter of fact, that is what my Autistic Friends prefer. So join TEAAM Autism in celebrating a month of Autism Acceptance and Neuro-Diversity in addition to Autism Awareness. We invite you to add some uplifting Yellow and Green to your Blue!

Dr. Mark H. Yeager, FAAIDD
Executive Director, TEAAM Autism

Join us there, here's the info...

Thanks so much for always supporting us in Autism Awareness! I love this group, you should join our monthly meetings. We have so much fun, raising awareness and money for TEAAM's/MS only summer camp for children with Autism.

Just a reminder of why we do all this hard work...

Also, I'd like to brag a little. Isaac and Bernise made the TEAAM Walk Facebook page header. They walked the longest last year!

Join our Team Orr-iginals and come out and join TEAAM! 

Love y'all, Thanks so much! Sasha

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crazy busy... That's life

I know it's been awhile since I've posted a blog. I just wanted to let you know, I haven't forgotten about my loyal readers at all. My life has just been alittle crazy lately. I've had a lot of changes this new year, hopefully for the better. I started grad school this semester, majoring in Library and Information Science with an emphasis in Archives. That alone seems daunting, but I've also just recently added to that task, a brand new job in a new city. I've accepted a position as branch manager of a library in the city. I hope to move there this summer once the kids are out of school, to avoid moving them during the school year. So in the mean time, I've been commuting back and forth, about an hour drive.
I just recently held a panel for the library at Coast Con on Book Addiction. That was a lot of fun!
(see photo of me setting up)
Even though I feel alittle overwhelmed, I am very happy, scared but excited. Hopefully everything continues to go well. I'll keep you posted!