Between being a full-time mom, a full-time student, holding a full-time job and volunteering for archival service hours, most days I come straight home and crash.
We've been in our new home for about six months now and this country mouse has spent that time becoming and adjusting to life as a city mouse, I've struggled some but for the most part thought I was adjusting well until... ( well at least I was telling myself that )
A few days ago I was driving my son to see his friends in our old hometown. It is about an hour drive away. It has been awhile since we've been out there.

As we were driving past the bails of cotton in the open, bare fields and through the town where every store is recognizable and everything is familiar I realize how much I miss this, how much I want this.
Change never feels good ... seems good ... becomes okay.
Maybe I just need more time but the city feels
so busy.. so big.. so unfamiliar, that it's this big scary place.
Sometimes I feel like I just want to go home and other times I just don't know where home is but I feel something calling in the open land...
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