So, I fully intent to make my New Year's resolution to blog more and I even have some very cute surprises in store for my readers, if there are still any out there. So stay tuned for some vintage vibes coming your way and don't miss the big reveal that I have in store!
But in the mean time, I want to review a bit of Sassy's World 2016, and all of the memories that I let just slip right on by.
So 2016 started out stressful. It was my last semester of grad school and that meant a lot of paper writing and comp studying. My little brother, Joseph and his girlfriend Katie, also had their last semester of undergrad. Jo is going on to teach high school and Katie, a nurse, congrats to them both!
Isaac and Elie also had big milestones. Elie graduated from elementary school and Isaac from middle school. Isaac received the most improved student award. Elie sang heart little heart out in the talent show (a Sinatra song) and wrote her first book in class (my aspiring author). We are so proud of them both!
Yes! I passed comps and finished that crazy thesis paper! I've never been more excited or scared to walk across a stage in front of people, but it finally happened in May! Officially MLIS!
During the course of our year, we've experienced happy and sad and laughter and fear, but we are together and that is always what makes every day worth while. Early in the year Isaac scared us when he experienced his first epileptic seizure. We are thankful he is doing just fine now. John also took his comps this year and passed so he is now working on his dissertation. Over the summer, we did a few fun things with the kids before they started back to school. One such trip we ventured to Banana goofy golf, it was such fun. John and I also celebrated our first wedding anniversary!
As the school year starts back, the kids all have huge milestones this year. Elie is starting her first year of middle school (6th), Isaac his first year of high school (9th), and Christian is a senior! My, my, where has the time gone?
Towards the end of the year, John and I participated in the Griffin Cemetery Tour, as tour guides, giving the history of the cemetery to visitors. It is always a lot of fun.
On Halloween this year, we took Elie and Isaac to a trunk or treat! It was a lot of fun! Chris went off with some friends, because well teenager!
Christmas and New Years was wonderful! Elie had her first band concert! She loves her flute and did a great job. The holidays were lovely! We spend some time with granny and mom drove out to visit my other little brother, Randy. We visited with John's family. We went to some parties and had a great time!
And of course, Elfie made another grand appearance and we spend some quality family time playing board games! We are hoping that 2017 is a wonderful year and brings many wonderful, joyful things! We know that we can already look forward to two more graduation celebrations (John and Chris), so stay tuned! And don't forget, we have some retro surprises coming your way as we work on revamping our them a bit! Keep checking back!
- Stay Sassy
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