Thursday, October 11, 2012

Autism Awareness

Many of you know of our struggle with Autism. As an Autism 'supermom' I've encouraged you all to support us in various fundraisers, prayers, walks, tshirt sells, etc... for our group Orr-iginals. And you've all been wonderfully supportive! As I'm sure you are aware that Isaac was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. He is now 10 and is progressing wonderfully. Many of you know that we have always suspected Paige as well but had trouble getting an official diagnoses. What you may not know is that she did receive an official diagnoses of Aspergers this summer at age 7. Neither of these diagnoses change the wonderful people they are. My children are my life, all three of them.
I just finished reading the book, "The Golden Hat: Talking back to Autism" It has prompted me to reach out to my dear family and friends once again. First off, read this book! I have struggled so many times with all that I've gone through, and have had so many people tell me how can you still praise God. As a single mom with three wonderful children, two of which just happen to have Autism, I say I am richly blessed by my God. It could be much worse and I know that He will see us through.
I dearly love my children and want to bring awareness to this so very misunderstood disorder. Today I don't write asking for money, but just prayer and support for those with Autism, in the style of this book. I don't have a hat to pass but just show your support by taking a picture of yourself in any hat and include a personal quote. Post it on my blog or on my facebook, just to show the world of Autism families you care and are praying!

Thank you,
Supermommy of Chris, Isaac & Paige

"Never give up!"
"Hats, what hat do you wear in life? Choose your path wisely!"
- Sas

My babies in their hats! Paige's quote, "bubbletastic!"

A few quotes from the book:

"I wish everybody would work together to get constructive things done in the world." - Temple Grandin
"I'm here, and I love you." - Kate Winslet
"It's not who we are inderneath but what we do that defines us." - Zac Efron

Poem from Keli (the boy with nonverbal Autism the book is based on)-

Life is a Bigger Puzzle

Most children look like their parents
But my brothers look so different
I want to learn about genes
Life is actually a puzzle
People think only Autism is puzzle
But Life is bigger puzzle

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on getting it to allow pic comments. Until then, you can email me them to , and I'll post.
    Or you can post on facebook
    Thanks for your patience!
